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10 Great Articles About Video marketing

10 Great Articles About Video marketing – One of the key factors that determine the success of sales is impact on human emotions. Marketers have been using this phenomenon in advertising for years. And what works better for the recipient’s imagination and engages them to interact than the eye-catching movie? Video marketing is a trend that is developing particularly dynamically in the era of social media.

The strength of video marketing is the unlimited possibilities offered by video material. Even a short story told in an interesting way and assembled on a professional program can meet with favorable reception of Internet users who will share the video further. This generates profits and increases the company’s visibility on the web.

Because in our opinion video marketing has been one of the most effective marketing tools for several years, which is why we’ve gathered the best articles on this subject in our opinion.

In the first place a specialist who is impossible to catch up with.

1. Neil Patel 

You should read if  you want to get involved in video marketing. Nail will grabs your hand and in six steps will walk with you through this topic. You will not be disappointed.

2. HUBSPOT – The Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing

Mine of knowledge, one article will provide you with the knowledge that some students absorb half a year in college. Concentration of information in one place, I highly recommend.


Video is not only fun, it’s really one of the best ways to get up close to your audience and give them a real glimpse of what you and your business or your clients are doing. The key here is to think beyond profit and product —

4. FIDOUGH – What Is Video Marketing? [A Detailed Guide For Beginners]

87% of online marketers use video content in their digital marketing strategies.

If you’re among the remaining 13%, this article is definitely for you. But even if you’re among the 87%, read on as we break down the basics as well as the advanced aspects of video marketing and how to excel in it. If you like to know more numbers from 2019, definitely you should click and read.

5. TOOLSHERO – What is Video Marketing?

This article offers a practical explanation of Video Marketing. After reading, you’ll understand the basics of this powerful marketing tool.

6. DRIFT – Video Marketing – The Complete Guide

How to think qualitatively, about Narrowcasting, Measuring video performance, Drift Video, Where Should You Publish Your Video? and much more.

7. smart Insight – SEO video marketing: Defining your video marketing strategy

What would your video marketing be worth if no one could find it. Be sure to read the article about positioning. Five practical steps to improve your video SEO and align objectives with strategy and tactics

8. biteable – Video marketing: a complete guide to crushing it with video.

A very interesting article not only with a lot of information, but also with great examples.

9. yumyumvideos – Types of Video Content for a Successful Video Marketing Campaign.

The article answers the question: Which types of video content you should use to make your marketing campaign even more successful? And many more that appear with Video content.

10. business2community – Things Your Video Marketing Strategy Must Include

And the last article also describes the necessary understanding of the topic of strategy.

I am sure that you can find many other interesting articles, with topics that are necessary to successfully run a video marketing campaign. Here we have gathered only ten, which in a small percentage supplement the knowledge on this topic. If you know any other sites that you think should be on this list, I invite you to leaving web addresses in the comment.

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