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How is the generation Z buying

Generation Z enters the market. How is the generation Z buying

Generation Z – a generation you do not know. Who are “Z” and how to reach them?

Generation Z are people born in and after 1995, currently representing 27% of the world’s population.

Generation Z  is a lowland generation of prosperity – however, regardless of social status – money and career are for them a value in themselves. “Z” eagerly “earn extra” during school education, even if they have material stability guaranteed by their parents. Generation Z approaches career and work pragmatically, planning the next development stages and possible paths of fulfillment in adulthood at an early stage. Generation Z is a generation that has already entered adulthood, consciously consumes content on the Internet, has more and more money and from year to year will be an increasingly important purchasing power on the market.

How is the generation Z buying

What matters to them?

Authenticity. The new generation wants to feel an authentic bond with the brands or creators they buy from. From a very young age they were accustomed to looking behind the scenes, to close relationships with celebrities thanks to social networking platforms. They want to feel this closeness also from brands. And these – so far – have a problem with its delivery.
Privacy. Peering behind the scenes from an early age means that the Z generation attaches great importance to privacy issues. But perceived differently than their parents see her. Privacy is inextricably linked to technology and not a lifestyle. And some brands are taking it for the banner.
Humor. A generation of memes? Maybe. A generation of humor? For sure. Z generation appreciate very loose communication, shortening the distance. No more rigid messages on social media, in newsletters and on the website.

#lifestyle, or what drives the Z generation

One of the major differences between Z generation consumers (also called Genzers) and their older colleagues is a change in brand perception. The strength on which the world’s largest brands are built is above all consistently communicated values. We didn’t buy Coca-Cola, only joy. We didn’t run in Nike, we only manifested overcoming our own weaknesses. We didn’t buy an iPod, only quality and design.

Our younger colleagues – although of course also encode this type of brand message – are no longer so attached to them. For them, what counts is not the “tag”, but the sensations and impressions it provides. When they make purchasing decisions, the prestige of a well-known logotype goes to the background. What really matters is whether the product fully expresses their personality. Therefore, young people want to know the history of the brand and check issues such as ecology, fair trade, authenticity, locality, etc.

How to communicate with Generation Z?

Let them backstage. Instead of sleek advertising productions, show a hand-made video in which you tell how you pack parcels and what your company cat likes to eat. If you read your mind when you read the previous sentence, I have one answer for you: OK, Boomer.
If you don’t know what OK, Boomer means, you need to hire someone to communicate with the Z generation.
Chase the lawyers away. Write your privacy policy in human language and with humor. Do not sell their data without their explicit knowledge and consent. It’s really important to them.

How to communicate with the Z generation, such a busy recipient? The most important thing is to capture his attention – if he glances at our content, then we have half the battle. Although this type of content can lead to an epileptic seizure for the older generation, research confirms – attention is best caught by traffic. Therefore, you should focus on mobile, interactive formats, e.g. gifs, cinemagagrams, video. Remember that by choosing the last format, we can not overdo it with length and we should adapt it to the resolution of the screens used by users.

Read more about the video marketing.

We live in a world where every aspect of marketing can be measured and weighed. If you only know how to do it. Meanwhile, still half of marketers either do not measure the effectiveness of their activities at all, or remain at the default measurements offered by the tools.

“Z” are the first cross-border generation – its representatives, regardless of the country of origin, are distinguished by similar attitudes, interests and behaviors. Therefore, classical segmentation criteria based on geography, age or income will be less and less effective. The new way is based on research on the internet and social media and using the concept of tribalism to create a kind of “digital tribes”.

Within reason, Generation Z likes to stand out, and this motivates to look for innovative ways to create new products.

What are the most important features, habits and behaviors of this generation’s representatives?

High purchasing power – Generation Z representatives spend a lot of money both online and offline. They spend these expenses especially on electronic equipment – on average 220 USD. online and $ 169 offline in about six months.

Use of mobile devices – generation. It uses mobile devices more often than representatives of other age groups – 11 hours a week, not including working time and emails sent.

Media consumption on the Internet – Generation Z are people who are focused on watching and listening to media on the Internet (online movies, music, podcasts, television programs). They devote 22 hours a week to this.

Buying in traditional stores – 77% of people belonging to the Z generation prefer shopping online. However, up to 80% will be happy to shop in a stationary store if they have time for it.

The role of websites and applications – for a generation From websites and applications have a greater impact during the purchasing process than television commercials, web banners or search engine ads.

Personalization – the Z generation requires that the message addressed to them, even the advertising one, be always personalized.


It is said that the Z generation is the most resistant to advertising group, and at the same time they are considered the most attractive group of consumers. They are creative and independent. They like to spend money for their own needs. They have a different approach to ownership. This is the generation for which the times of passive communication have passed. They want to create and influence other users. When planning communication for this group, you must remember that marketing is them. Therefore, their interests and trends should be constantly monitored.

Comments (2)

I think that after quarantine a lot of things will change, and also the ways of buying not only the Z generation.
BTW blog is magnificent i love reading your posts. Keep up the great work! You know, lots of people are hunting around for this information, you can help them greatly.

I think you’re right, it’s worth observing the market and analyzing changes.

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