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how people are inspired – 15 ways to find inspiration

How people are inspired

“It’s not worth waiting for inspiration, you have to meet it and find it yourself” – Jack London.

As long as you do creative work, you probably ask yourself where to get the influx of inspiration. Inspiration should come effortlessly, preferably when you least expect it.

Sure – time is gold. Especially if you pay your bills with the things that arise in your mind. Due to this, we have prepared some loose ideas on how to overcome creative stagnation. So, before you go to the kitchen to check what’s new in the fridge, you better try one of the methods listed below.

how people are inspired

I love the mood in this photo! Happy times.


Das ist ein richtig schönes Foto, ganz viel Verliebtheit und Vertrauen ❤! Passt gut auf Euch auf und kommt gut in die neue Woche 🙋🏻‍♀️!

Absolut nice , nice and Perfect . Inspiration pure 👍🙏😊☀️🙋‍♂️

Tolles Video 👍 Es strahlt die Leichtigkeit des Lebens in einer ansonsten kahlen und kalten Hochhaus-Großstadt aus. Toĺl gemacht 👌




how people are inspired

1. Cut off from the world

Very often the phenomenon of “creative block” goes hand in hand with negative emotions. Problems, worries and even an unhealthy lifestyle – these are just a few of the factors that can have a negative impact on creativity. In such cases, it is worth finding a safe place, away from phones mobile phones and social networks.


2. Rituals

Everyone has their own way to prepare for work. Some people need a spotlessly clean space, others like to light incense and do yoga before work. But there are even weirder individuals, such as the poet T.S. Eliot, who painted his face with green paint in order to “not feel like a bank employee and draw air worthy of an outstanding artist and extravagant poet.” Little? The German writer, Frederich Schiller, kept rotten apples in his desk. huge amounts of inspiration.
Others treat creative work as normal work. They agree that they are working from until and, for example, during these hours they have to write a minimum of 5 pages of text, then a break and a walk, in the afternoon again a few hours of work, which must end with a minimum of 5 pages of text. This is what the Polish author of crime books, Remigiusz Mroz, writes. He is the most widely read writer in Poland, let me add that he writes one book every two months!
You can see for yourself – there are as many possibilities as there are people in the world.


3. Long conversations

It’s a great idea to have long conversations. So talk and – more importantly – listen to what others have to say. Any, even seemingly uninteresting, anecdote from your roommates can turn into a brilliant idea.


4. Observation

Every item, building or place has a potentially amazing story. The source of a fascinating idea can be even the most banal, least significant object.


5. Works by other artists

We know that at this point we are revealing nothing new to you. Nevertheless, this method works practically always. Go to exhibitions, watch movies, read – read a lot. We especially recommend the productions of Terry Gilliam, Lars von Trier and Alejandro Jodorowski.


6. Biographies of other artists

Getting to know the idol’s biography can only do good. Then it is very easy to see that the artists who changed the art world were in fact just people. We recommend the books “Monday children” (Patti Smith’s diary) and “My last breath” (about Luis Buñuel).


7. Music

Some people need absolute silence to work. However, certain types of music have been shown to positively affect the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that generates ideas.


8. Places

The concept that a specific place can trigger a sudden surge of creativity is certainly exaggerated, but there are many pubs and cities that are known to attract artists in the pages of history. Examples? To this day, Lisbon is identified with Fernand Pessoa, Cadaques with Dali, and the El Raval bar with Ernest Hemingway.


9. Collages

The method is used mainly by filmmakers. Just read the script and use fabrics, colors and textures to visualize the ideas it contains. Of course, in the case of professionals, the effects do not go straight to Pinterest or Tumblr, but to notebooks and notebooks, i.e. physical, tangible means. This exercise guarantees the development of creativity, and its effects can be so interesting that they would easily become works of art.


10. Meditation

“Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch a small fish you can stay in shallow water. On the other hand, if you want to catch a big fish, you have to go deeper. Down there, the fish are more powerful and cleaner. They are huge and abstract. And they are beautiful. ”


11. Dreams

Try to remember your own dreams. Write them down before they run away, preferably in notebooks that you should keep on your bedside tables. After all, dreams are the basis of surrealism.


12. Drugs

It may seem unethical to look for inspiration using illicit substances. Nevertheless, this phenomenon has accompanied the greatest artists for years. Bukowski never wrote sober, Fitzgerald had a habit of drinking a bottle of champagne while working, and Philip K. Dick openly admitted that he created all his works from the 70s under the influence of speed.


13. Think about yourself

The creative process requires a clear mind, sharpening awareness and giving up power to the subconscious. What we do for ourselves matters, not taking into account the opinions of others. In this way, art expresses individuality and becomes unique.


14. Internet

You can literally find anything in the finish line, so somewhere between porn and memes with John Travolta, there are pages that can help you dig out of even the deepest creative hole. It’s Nice That, Designinspiration, Design is Kinky, BOOOOOOOM !, Artruby are some of them.
Here my thanks go to the creator of Tumblr who made sites such as The Gorgeous Daily, Swooshart, Greatartinugly, SHOWstudio, MAI + t, Where I see fashion, Bring me head of Stuart Stanford … and so on to infinity.


15. Remember the goal

Art is a personal, individual field. Only its creator knows his goal and knows how to achieve it. Don’t worry about people who don’t trust you, and remember, willingness is the key to success.

how people are inspired


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