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Let’s start with the fact that the you should not promote a book. Surprised? First you must understand that the book is not at all what you should be interested in your reader.

If that were the case, you would be called a written paper seller, not a writer. A book that stands on a shelf is not an object that in itself can fascinate anyone except those addicted to inhaling ink or toner.

Your task is not to make the reader interested in the book, but the content you mention in it.

Know your competition.

The reader’s interest in a book in the days of Netflix, social media and nervousness is an extremely difficult skill. Never before has it been so hard to convince someone to read. You are wrong if you think other writers are your competition. No, the enemy in this fight is everything that takes away and impairs human awareness. Your competition is not in the publishing industry.

Nothing happens by itself

Some people believe that a good book will sell itself. “Whisper marketing” will work, the “magic of commands” will happen, and our novel will go to people by itself.

I cannot say that such a turn of events is impossible. However, judging from the experience to date, the chances of automagic promotion are slim.

If you have come across this article, it means that you will soon be or are already the happy owner of a book you wrote. Second option, you are a novice marketer and you have a new client who is the author of the book. I warmly welcome both of you.

I have good news for you. You can promote a book without having a million coins. It is not easy, but it is possible. Let me tell you how to promote your book on social media on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.


Don’t get trapped by empty likes.

Likes, especially on Instagram, mean nothing at all. This does not mean that what you post has been appreciated and read with understanding (text below the post). With the current number of bots, people who hire companies to keep their accounts active, and mindless users who click a heart on every photo they see, the value of 100 followers translates to 1 address in your newsletter.
Please don’t say you don’t have the newsletter yet. If this is the case, then be sure to search for information on what it is needed for and how to do it.

So the fact that you have collected 340 hearts under your photo does not mean that you will sell at least 1 copy of your book. If you do not have 10,000 followers on Instagram, treat this medium as a business card and information board.

Post content there, but don’t pay attention to likes. Prepare a supply of graphics with quotations, fragments of texts and topics that your novel touches on. Schedule their publication in time.

Remember that your content must be engaging. Otherwise, you are reliant on ruthless algorithms that are slashing the ranges with increasing enthusiasm. Other content will generate likes, other comments, and still other shares. Without a doubt, at the end of each post you need to remember about CTA (call to action).

For example write straight: If this post was displayed on your board, give a like to get feedback.

Ask the question: Which thread of my novel interests you more: a or b?

An example of a book trailer..

View this post on Instagram

Genau wie ein Trailer der Blockbusterfilme aus Hollywood, vermittelt der Buchtrailer einen emotional, interpretativ wie authentischen Eindruck der Geschichte. Visuelle Reize bleiben länger im Gedächtnis. Doch soll ein Buchtrailer nicht trivial das Buch illustrieren. Inhaltlich ist ein Buchtrailer: Erzählend/lyrisch, sachlich, oder als Slideshow gestaltet. Ein simpler Lesetrailer zeigt Textausschnitte untermalt mit Ton und/oder Videosequenzen. Das Spektrum der Gestaltungselemente reicht vom Bild des Buchcovers, einer Bild-Tonanimation bis hin zum Trailer mit echten Schauspielern. Eine einheitliche Ästhetik existiert nicht. Auf jeden Fall soll ein Buchtrailer etwa 1 Minute lang sein. Um in dieser Zeit, die gewünschten Informationen zu liefern, bedarf es einer gründlichen Vorbereitung. Sie fängt mit dem Konzept, der Auswahl geeigneter Technik und Material an. Am Ende stehen Überlegungen zur Vermarktung des Trailers. Die Beachtung von Rechte- und Lizenzvorgaben ist notwendig, sofern kein eigenes Bild/Tonmaterial verwendet wird. Sind die theoretischen Überlegungen abgeschlossen, geht es an die Produktion des Trailers. Entweder er wird selbst produziert oder die Produktion einer externen Produktionsfirma überlassen. Welche Wahl man trifft, ist vom Genre, der Geschichte aber ebenso von der Zielgruppe abhängig. Ist die Entscheidung für eine Videoproduktion gefallen, ist es ratsam, auf externe Hilfe zurückzugreifen. Denn aus den Worten werden Bilder. Der Trailer hier im Beitrag wurde von CLOU- Media München produziert. Unkompliziert in der Auftragsbearbeitung, kreativ, schnell und inhaltlich wie technisch in höchster Qualität. Fazit: absolut empfehlenswert ! (Das ist keine bezahlte und/oder unbezahlte Werbung, da selbst beauftragt und bezahlt. Es handelt sich um meine Erfahrung und meine Meinung zur Produktion des Trailers: „ Tango mit dem Teufel"). #tangomitdemteufel#books #autorenleben #autorenleben #trailer #booktrailer #buchtrailer#buchschreibenundveröffentlichen #buchblogger #bookstagram #booklover #autorenalltag #autor#tangoargentino #tangovideos #tangodance #schreiben #buchschreibenundveröffentlichen#cloumedia#tangoargentino#verlage

A post shared by John M (@tangomitdemteufel) on

Der Trailer hier im Beitrag wurde von Clou Media – München produziert. Unkompliziert in der Auftragsbearbeitung, kreativ, schnell und inhaltlich wie technisch in höchster Qualität.

Fazit: absolut empfehlenswert !

(Das ist keine bezahlte und/oder unbezahlte Werbung, da selbst beauftragt und bezahlt. Es handelt sich um meine Erfahrung und meine Meinung zur Produktion des Trailers: „ Tango mit dem Teufel”).



The trailer here in the post was produced by Clou Media – Munich. Order processing is uncomplicated, creative, quick and of the highest quality in terms of both content and technology.
Conclusion: absolutely recommendable!
(This is not paid and / or unpaid advertising, as it is commissioned and paid for by myself. It is my experience and my opinion on the production of the trailer: “Tango with the devil”).

How to promote a book on Instagram?

If you want your content to go to the most popular photos tab from a given hashtag, you have to make sure that it attracts the attention of people and the algorithm.

In short: make it good. What always works is:

symmetry (use camera guides when taking a picture of a book),
face – people on social media prefer photos where you can see the face (i.e. you with the book)
nature (take a book on vacation and arrange a session there).
reader with a book – encourage readers to post photos of your book and add their photos to your instastory,
process – people like to look over your shoulder, let them and show how your book is made, how you work.
aesthetics – standardize the style and color of photos, color saturation, sharpness, brightness. If you are using a preset, use only one. Most Instagram users just like pretty things, so who will follow an ugly account?

The strength of relationships

Instastory – here you can go ahead, because news should appear at least once a day. Thanks to this, you will appear to followers with a pink border, which means that your account is active and worth following.

Use instagram to build relationships. Ask your followers questions and take polls, then share the results. Establish a bond with your audience so that they know you and like you enough to be tempted to buy a book.

If you have 10,000 followers, you can add a link to the sales page with your book directly in your instastory. The reader then clicks on the sticker and is already in the browser.

Clear and clear to understand BIO

You won’t believe how many Instagram accounts don’t have a clear description. You read and you have no idea what the channel will contain and what the company or person does.

Include information about what you are presenting in your account in your account description. Remember that you can include a clickable link here! Have it lead directly to the page where you are selling the book.
The clickable link in the description is your best chance to convert from Instagram.


How to promote a book on Facebook?

Automate if possible. You can link your Facebook account with Instagram (an owner is the same). When you post on instagram, the same will appear on Facebook.


Think of a video promotion

Since Facebook started the Cold War with Google, .mp4 formats have gained much greater reach than regular photos with descriptions or links to external websites. Do not add a YouTube link to the video, it will reduce the coverage. Upload movies directly from your computer hard drive.

What movies should I record if you don’t have the budget to order a movie?
Read a few passages from the text. Tell, why people should read your book. Invite people to a meeting with the author or share what the creative process was like.

Record videos on your mobile phone, it will give a feeling of authenticity. People really want to see and hear you. Don’t make long movies. Try to include your content within 3 minutes or less.

However, if you have the option to order a movie, bet on the trailer for your book. It doesn’t have to be a long movie. If you want to enjoy the book trailer on all platforms, order a one-minute movie. You will be able to publish it on all platforms and be sure that it will not be cut after one minute (Instagram post)

Look for groups in love with books

Facebook has recently emphasized activity in groups. You can belong to them privately (then remember to include a graphic with the book and a link to the sales page in your background photo) or as a page.

Some groups allow you to add unlimited content, so link to your blog without hesitation. In others, the emphasis is on substantive discussion, and on certain days you can promote your work.

Organize live performances

It is by no means finding that direct selling is one of the better ways. Thanks to the fact that you can organize the meeting on-line, you do not have to travel all over the country, which definitely reduces costs.

Organize a live author meeting. Tell about the process of creating a book, what it is about, who it may be interesting for.
Show the book and persuade to buy. Be open-minded, people are not naive, knowing why you are doing this meeting. If they came to your presentation, it means that they want to meet you, they may ask you a question.

If you are planning further meetings of this type, please inform about the next upcoming ones.

Accept that something will definitely not work out! Be sure not all will work. Be sure you will make mistakes, and will be not easy. Accept that not many people will appear at the first meetings. Remember that only repeated meetings with authors will make you better and better at it.

In the event description, don’t forget to link to your direct sales page.


How to promote a book on Pinterest?

You must understand this place first. People come to Pinterest for knowledge or inspiration. By the way, they also want to satisfy their aesthetic needs. Therefore, the graphics you prepare must be of a high standard. is sure to help you with this task. Share your knowledge gained during the publishing process or take beautiful photos to encourage you to read your story. Remember to meet both conditions: it should be aesthetic and useful.


Quote pieces of your book

Think – Pinterest posts are blog covers or banner ads. Do you understand what you have in hand and it’s free? This is Advertising platform.

By creating an entire collection of beautiful quotes from your book, you are showing its value, but each separate graphic with the quote is clickable and can take the reader directly to the sales page!

This is the perfect background for positioning the sales page of your book. For example, 200 people came to your page from Pinterest, but nobody bought the book? Are you worried about it? Just think, google got information that 200 people were interested in your site. The more links on the web, the more traffic and the greater the likelihood of a purchase. There is no limit to adding images on Pinterest. So it is only up to you and your time how much free advertising you prepare.




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