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What determines the success of the cafe?

Customers pay attention to details and cafe owners must take this into account. It is the customers who ultimately decide about the success of the business – they either come to the cafe or not.

We spend more and more time in cafes. They used to be primarily places for social gatherings. However, the role of cafes has evolved over time. It is also increasingly a workplace – especially for people working in free professions and looking for a change from the monotony of spending the whole day at home at the computer. Cafes are also often a refuge, in which we gladly spend our free time alone, e.g. with a book or newspaper.

Since we are increasingly visiting cafes, the role of choosing the optimal place is also growing. We pay more and more attention (which is obvious) to the type and method of coffee preparation, but also to the interior of the premises, table settings and the cakes and sandwiches offered. Therefore, cafe owners must learn to meet even the most diverse requirements of customers. Ultimately, customers decide about the success or failure of every cafe. This is the final test.


What determines the success of the cafe?

The zones in the cafe are the answer to the different needs of customers

Remote work is not uncommon these days – thanks to laptops we have learned to work at home, write there, prepare materials and design. But you have to remember that a human being is a social being, that’s why he will end up in a cafe with this laptop anyway, even to be in the company of other people. Such clients will need a work area – with chairs and tables. They do not need soft sofas or armchairs, unlike customers who come to meet friends in the evening.

That is why coffee shop zones are so important. They meet the needs of different clients or the needs of the same client, which may vary depending on the situation. Zoning can be carried out even in a symbolic way, e.g. thanks to mosaics on the floor or appropriate furniture arrangement.

Good coffee is not enough, so it’s worth offering customers additional benefits

Customers are different and have different needs, which is why you should have, for example, free soy milk for coffee or a rich offer of gluten-free and vegan cakes. Free internet access via WiFi has also become a standard. It is true that some cafe owners may be frightened by the vision of customers spending half a day with one cup of coffee, but …

In the cafe, even the smallest little things are important

First we open the first cafe, then the second and third. They cannot look completely different. Each new place must refer to the others with style and brand name. Of course, it is good to introduce some elements that distinguish individual cafes from each other, but it’s also important to maintain continuity. What is important here is an interesting idea and cooperation with a good architect who will focus not only on form, but also on function.

Our observations show that in most cafes, architects focus too much on the visual aspect of the design, which is why they are designed non-functionally. Chairs and armchairs look nice but are uncomfortable. The tables are too close together

Geography and customer habits are also important in running a cafe

The approach to drinking coffee is different in the United States and different in Europe. That is why Starbucks in the US was so successful, but in Europe it failed to dominate the market. In the US, the custom of taking take-out coffee is popular, and hardly anyone stays there to drink it. It is different in Europe – we like to sit with good coffee and cake.


What determines the success of the cafe?

To sum up, the real test of every cafe, but also a gastronomic establishment are customers, because they decide about the success of the business. There is no other test. However – for customers to appear – you need to meet their expectations. Customers who come to work for cafes have different needs, while others have people for whom the cafeteria is a meeting place with friends. However, every customer is important, therefore cafe owners must be prepared to meet the expectations of each of these groups.

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