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Top 100 Fastest Growing & Declining Categories in E-commerce

Impact of coronavirus on the e-commerce market

Coronavirus has entered the network

Information services have been dominated by information about the spreading coronavirus. It turns out that it threatens not only people, but also … business, including the Internet.

Stackline analyzed e-commerce sales in the United States and in March compiled a list of the 100 most popular and fastest growing categories showing changes in e-commerce due to a pandemic.

Many experts say that current events will change the market permanently:

“The retail-apocalypse has had little to do with people shopping less, only where they were shopping.”

“Now, many of businesses are left without any other choice – if they want to generate money, they need to move online and try reaching their target groups using this channel of communication”


Impact of coronavirus on the e-commerce market

As you could easily guess, if customers cannot reach the store, the role of e-commerce in the distribution of goods and services is growing significantly. New industries are looking for opportunities, and existing online stores are considering changes that enhance their competitiveness.


Will the coronavirus pandemic really change the way consumers behave and increase the importance of e-commerce? There are reasons not only for the research presented by Stackline. Daniel Zhang, CEO of Alibaba has already called the “black swan” pandemic.

At least because, despite the huge level of saturation of the Chinese market with various e-commerce formats, only in the last quarter of 2019 the Alibaba company recorded 38% dynamics compared to the same period of the previous year. This allowed a turnover of USD 23 billion.

The situation is similar in the USA. Amazon is already planning to employ an additional 100,000 employees for its logistics centers and raise the salary of all employees by $ 2 per hour. This step is associated with a huge increase in internet sales.

Comments (4)

Michael M from Ln

Really interesting information, thank you. Im curious how this will change after coronavirus. I would be not suppose that rest of good which are down will jump up.

Experts say that everything should slowly return to normal and stabilize.

Nice article, I am looking forward for more about marketing and corona.

I wish everything was normal now

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